Mindset in Times Like These

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There is so much opportunity today.

I woke up this morning with an unbelievable amount of excitement. I woke up knowing that I can control how I approach today, tomorrow, the week, and rest of the year.

You woke up this morning with the opportunity to change how you spend the rest of your life.

You may be a goalie parent, a goalie coach, or a goalie yourself. There is opportunity everywhere. Look around you.

You may have it all, or you may “have nothing”. Even if you think you’ve got nothing, you still have your mind.

Your optimism.

Your positivity.

You can control the outcome of the rest of your life.

Earlier this morning, I shared the following post in our Goalie Parents Facebook group. I then re shared it on my personal Facebook (shoot me a friend request if you’re reading this, my FB Profile is here).

Want to make a difference in the world?

You 100% can.

You might be a 8U goalie, or an NHLer wondering when the next time you’ll step on the ice.

Your actions are like this virus, they have a ripple effect.

Spreading negativity is like a disease.

You control your mind, you control your actions, your mindset. Your mindset today influences decisions that make ripples tomorrow.

Make the decision to spread positivity when the rest of the world chooses not to. Make the decision today, to make the world a better place tomorrow.

Don’t wait, start right now.

Tyler at Goalie Coaches

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